I was wrong about not having service tonight, we do. We are staying in a campground tonight that is a Bureau of Land Management campground. It is a first for us. It is out in a barren area near the Green River. There are not any BLM areas near us back home or even in the eastern US as far as I know. In this campground, each site has water but no electricity or sewer hook ups and the rate is wonderful at $5 per night.
I looked at the weather forecast for Yellowstone for the time we will be there and it does not sound good at all. We have 5 nights reserved starting on Sept 21 and during that time the forecast is for low temperatures at night with rain for three of those days with rain and snow one day. I am hoping it will not be as bad as forecast.
On highway 191, there are several information markers and pull-offs. It is near the Oregon Trail and a trail called the Lander Trail. We passed by a Pony Express exhibit along the road but missed seeing it by the time I realized what it was. I now wish I had turned around and gone back. The photo below tells about the trails at one of the pull-offs.
In case you want to read what is on the sign
I got my travel buddy out of prison. Here we are at the BLM campsite where we will spend the night tonight. As you can see in this photo, there were some mean looking clouds in the background but it never did storm or rain.
We are now about 57 miles from Jackson, WY where I will get treatment and then go on to Yellowstone before the next treatments a week later.