We really appreciate all the comments you leave on the blog. We enjoy hearing from you and your thoughts about the blog. I have no idea how many actual people are seeing the blog other than the ones that left a comment.
Today I received my first day of a two-day treatment for this week. All went well, and I got to enjoy that wonderful hospital food again. When I finish treatment tomorrow, we will head to Madison Junction in Yellowstone National Park. I don't expect it is going to be as nice and warm as it was here today. It must have gotten to around 70 degrees and sunny. We plan to spend five nights in the campground at Madison Junction. Most of the other campgrounds in Yellowstone are closed for the season. On Monday next week, we will return to Jackson Hole for the last two treatments.
Like I mentioned before, I am not sure when I will be able to post while in Yellowstone. I will do my best.
It looks like we have used half of the time we have for this trip as of yesterday (Monday, 9/26). We look forward to the remaining half. We plan to be back home about October 16th.
On top of the building in the photo below is the camera for the earthcam webcam. I often watched from this cam before we left home. It overlooks a traffic intersection and an arch made of elk antlers.
On our first trips to the western US, it surprised me how abruptly some towns ended. As you can see in the photo below, Jackson ends abruptly at the base of a mountain. The town is surrounded by high hills (or some call them mountains). This is why it is called Jackson Hole.
Best only to get this close to a stuffed moose.
If you would like to see the live webcam that is on the building in the photo mentioned earlier, you can at http://www.earthcam.com/usa/wyoming/jackson/?cam=jacksonhole
You would have seen us several times when we drove past the cam or when we were there getting photos made at the arch.